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Tailslasher motioned to Nimbletail and they quietly slipped away to attack the Stunties from up high. They were climbing to the top of a building when they noticed that two Stunties had used a ladder to already get there. The Assassin Adept lept at the Stuntie leader and with a hail of sword slashes forced him off the roof, the Stuntie’s scream was cut off by a loud crashing sound. At the same time Nimbletail were busy trying to fend himself against the onslaught of the other Stuntie and was being pressed down against the roof. A quick slash from Tailslashers sword caught the Stuntie on the side of his head and he stumpled off the roof as well. The sudden appearance of yet another Stuntie on the ladder caught Tailslasher by surprise and Nimbletail was taken out by a hammer blow just as he was picking himself up. In a nearby ruined house the Verminkin had retreated to the top floor as zombies and wolves had entered their building...

Ett specialskrivet kampanjsystem till Mordheim som kommer att spelas under hela konventet. Systemet är designat så att du ska kunna droppa in eller ut beroende på dina andra inbokade spel och fortfarande kunna vara med i kampanjen. Det kommer att finnas regler för i stort sett alla arméer i WFB och lite till. Vi har Warbands till utlåning, spelar du WFB så har du alla figurer du behöver.


Arrangörer: Tommy Punk, & Thomas Wegebrand,
Anmälan & kostnad:
Drop in, 20 kr per deltagare, betalas på plats
Speltillfällen: Kontinuerligt hela konventet
Antal spelare: (fru webmaster vet inte)
Regelverk: Specialskrivna kampanjregler
Förkunskaper: Inga, har du spelat GW’s spel så kommer du snabbt in i reglerna.


Warhammer 40K: Last Stand at Masthuggskörka
Warhammer Fantasy Battle
Warhammer 40K
Space Hulk

Judgment Day
Fistful of TOWs
Kellys Hjältar
Warhammer 40K Hidden
Slaget vid Gadebusch 1712
Micro Modernt
Blod & Mod
Stars n' Bars

Western: Draw Stranger

Rollspel och lajvBrädspelFigurspelKortspelAnnat kulAllmän information Nyheter!SitemapTill förstasidan

© Föreningen GothCon 2001. Webb-babe: Sus Lundgren,